The Dylan Thomas Walk
My name is Bob Stevens and welcome to my website. I created the Dylan Thomas Birthday Walk to help promote Dylan Thomas's poetry and for more people to while away their own birthdays in the "beguiling island of a town" that is Laugharne.
In 1944, Dylan wrote 'Poem in October' about his birthday walk, to the shoulder of Sir John's hill. The poem is simply about his love of Laugharne and getting older. The poem was set on the 27th of October, 1944; his 30th Birthday. The estuary sounds and the memory of the herons awaiting the tide were on his mind.
Set forth now and walk in Dylan's footsteps and
make it
your birthday walk!
The walk is approximately 2 miles/3.2 kilometres in length and will take you uphill. Enjoy the magnificent views of the estuary, Dylan's boathouse, the Gower, north Devon, Caldey Island and Tenby.
Your Birthday Walk
Visit Laugharne and make Dylan's Birthday Walk your own. Plus, find out more about how you can claim complimentary gifts on your special day.

For the latest news, pictures, and offers, visit the Dylan Thomas Birthday Walk facebook page.
Have a look at the social page to find out more ways of joining in.
We would love to hear your experiences of the walk. Feel free to send us a message telling us what you think!
Poem in October
BBC Weatherman Walking
Video produced by the BBC Weatherman Walking series
Hint: You can view the video fullscreen